The start of 2016 has been pretty difficult for me, I've undergone quite a few huge changes since my last post (which was a month ago... whoops, I'd say sorry but, I'm not even sorry). For starters, my left index finger got sliced up pretty badly a few weeks ago and it has left me
literally scarred and in pain. I had to get 11 stitches with 2 in the tendon, I find it ironic actually because the day before this happened I had just been talking about how I had never gotten any stitches. I was also hella afraid I'd never be able to bend my finger again (did you know that that can happen?!). Thankfully, with my wound healing pretty well and being able to stretch my finger almost all the way back, I'm starting to finally get myself out of this weird mental state I had been in.
I'm also back in Hong Kong for the next couple of weeks so that's definitely helping me cope with all the other anxieties in my life... lol jk not really.
I was planning on doing an outfit post but I feel like also sharing some pics (mostly selfies) to get ya'll sorta caught up from the past couple weeks!

my sister's necklace that totes is a weird crystalized sailor moon tiara!//pre-ruined index finger on my go to peace sign hand :'(

found a hella cute heart cut out hat (available

you probably can't tell but my pastel game was on point

made some yummy ramen!

pre-sliced selfie

waiting in emerg, ya'll don't even know how thick that paper towel wad is

splinted peace sign

I'm in love with this Peace Collective Hat (available

went to Montreal with my faves!

my twin flame and I at the top of Mount Royal
Bodysuit c/o
Carmakoma/ Faux Fur Cape
New Look
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