i have neglected this blog for far too long, thus i shall post a whole bunch of catch up posts tonight because
a. i am bored
b. i'm looking at old photos
although my prom was uneventful, and extremely stressful due to my hair not curling,
i had to work, g20 bullshit and whatever other bullshit there was, it was a pretty good afterparty.
although my prom was uneventful, and extremely stressful due to my hair not curling,
i had to work, g20 bullshit and whatever other bullshit there was, it was a pretty good afterparty.
Chris & I looking awkward. Mike & Hilary adorable as ever.
Cat the Infamous Bartender
Cristina and I, we are somehow related down generations of san miguel-ians.
- White Lace Bow Dress ASOS Curve
- Script Pocket Watch Necklace Urban Outfitters
- White Heels Icon