Last Wednesday Alex from Not Afraid to Wear Heels got together for our now monthly shoot day! I absolutely love these days with Alex because 1. We always half attempt at getting work done and then somehow...not finish and 2. our shenanigans are seriously toooooooo much fun so it's all worth it! I'm sure we will one day finish our work plans haha.
This is our first official "twin tuesdays" post!!!~*~*~
Since we get together to take outfit photos anyways it kinda made sense for us to post them together! Thus, the start of our ~*~twin tuesdays~*~(we should be posting them up every tuesday!)
Our first look was kinda just put together, since Alex came over to my place she didn't have a matching option and borrowed a whole look; She's wearing my shades & fave purse from Urban Outfitters, peplum polka dot dress from Forever21 and a collar from ebay!
I am wearing my sunnies & cutout boots from Forever21, dress from the urban renewal section at Urban Outfitters, my Riccardi Lips Clutch from Aldo and my fave crystal necklace from Kastor & Pollux!

Be sure to checkout Alex's post here!
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